Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Top Ten Things That Make Your Life As A Reader/Book Blogger Easier

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week I'm listing the things that make my life as a reader/blogger easier. 

1. The Library
Suffolk Libraries are fantastic.  They have a great range of books and most of the time have new titles in stock not long after they are released.  Also it helps to borrow books for free as I'm poor at the moment.  Although a great thing about the library is that if I don't like a book, I haven't wasted £8 that could have been spent on something better.
2. Online Reservations
How did I live before I could reserve books from the library online?
3. Book Marks a.k.a the bits of paper I get from the library
How else would I keep track of my page when I'd put the book down to get chocolate?
4. Dust Jackets
They don't really help me per se, I just love the feel of a book in a library book jacket.
5. Glasses
I can't see without them.
6. Book Lights
Makes the electricity bill a whole lot cheaper.
7. Bookshelves
Although I need more.  I have books all over the house, mainly on the floor stacked in large piles because there's no room between my collection and that of my sister and the worst offended of book hoarding in our house: my mum!
8. Book Tokens
They have no expiry date, which gives me longer to ponder over what to spend them on.
9. My Kindle
I may not be an avid e-book reader, but I have been able to get some NetGalley titles because I now have an e-reader.  Plus it's been a lot easier taking my Kindle up to Matt's rather than stuffing my backpack with books instead of clothes.
10. GoodReads
I like being able to keep track of the amount of books that I've read.  If they could just perfect their recommendations then I'd use goodreads even more!

The one thing that makes it harder:
So many books, so little time in which to read them all.


  1. Where would I be without my glasses?! Blind, actually! Thanks for the reminder of all the wonderful things we book-ies love.

    Here's my Book Blessings.

  2. I'm not a huge fan of the Kindle, but it does make book blogging life easier! Great list :-)

    1. I agree! It may burn my eyes, but it saves my arms!

  3. Kindle and Goodreads for me are gold! :D Love both so much.
    As for libraries, wish we had them well stocked. We rarely get new releases and the YA 'market' is terribly unrepresented here. Not even translations. :( Sad.

    My TTT

    1. That is sad. Is there any way you can get them to order in more books? Or is it a cost thing/budgetary reasons. If I could I'd clone my library and send it over to you!

  4. Glasses are helpful for me too! I pretty much wear them ALL the time! :P

  5. GLASSES! YES! It's funny how much I rely on my glasses but forget how useful they are when reading.

    And I love putting books on hold at the library from the convenience of the internet. It's so handy, even if it does cost me $1 for each book.

    1. Our reserve service used to come with a charge, but now that only applies if you're ordering a book from another county. I can imagine that the library would have made at least £100 from me if they implemented a £1 charge per book! Does the charge effect how many books you order in?

  6. I haven't heard of book tokens before! I need to look those up!

    Angela's Anxious Life

    1. They're basically gift cards, and the paper ones never expired...the new plastic ones last 24 months which I suppose isn't that bad! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. YES! Glad to see another win for book lights!!

    Sunrise Avenue

    1. Yep, they are definitely handy! Thanks for stopping by!
