Sunday 31 March 2013

Bookish Goals for 2013 Revisited: 1st Quarter Edition

Happy Easter everyone!  As we're on the cusp of being done with a quarter of 2013, which is quite scary as it still feels like February with all this winter weather hanging about, I decided to do an update on the bookish goals I set for 2013.  The original post was part of Top Ten Tuesday which, as always, is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

1. Stop ordering so many books from the library. 
I have a system now and I have been sticking to it.  I can reserve 5 books and then take out a further 3 from the stacks per month.  Writing the list down in a notebook has been really handy, and I love reserving lots of things at the end of the month and writing them all in!

2. Read more books from our own bookshelves. I've read three books from my own collection already this year.  This may be a tiny number, but it's better than having read none at all.  If I can carry on reading at least one of my own books per month I'll be more than happy.
3. Update blog at least three times a week. 
Including this one, I am on 49 posts for the year. The average is about 3.7 posts per week which is great for a person who gets severe writers block from time to time.
4. Purchase more books from independent shops
This is still a work in progress, and very dependent on how much cash I can spend on more books, but I've bought two from Jarrolds in Norwich and I have one pre-ordered from a shop in Ely.
5. Try to read and finish a book on my KindleFire. 
I've not only read one, but three!  It may burn my eyes sometimes, but who ever said reading should be easy?
6. Find a YA with absolutely no romance! 
I've found three fantastic YA's with no romance: Katya's World, Emilie and The Hollow World and Etiquette and Espionage.
7. Embrace the book blogging community and comment on other people's blogs more. 
I try, I still struggle, but I try and this is something I can constantly improve on.
8. Recommend books to friends, and don't be afraid to lend them to friends.  
I recommend a whole bunch of books to my friend Lucy, and I've already heard back that she loved one of them!  Yay.
9. Do something on World Book Night. 
This one has been elusive.  I wasn't a huge fan of any books that were on the giving list this year, so I didn't want to take a spot from some one who did.  Yet, I am still on the lookout to see if there will be any events on the night that I can take part in.
10. Read more.
I haven't been taking this one literally but I've accomplished it through the type of books that I have been reading.  For example, I've read more YA than ever before this year and I'm finding some brilliant novels in a genre that I would normally overlook.  I'm also reading books that I have been putting off for years.

How has 2013 been for you?  Have you kept to your goals?  Have you rebelled against them?  Let me know!    


  1. Awesome job on your goals!! Although it stinks that reading on the Kindle Fire makes your eyes hurt :/

    1. Thanks! Yeah it does! I was never really that sold on the Fire as a reading device, so I'm thinking of borrowing my mum's normal kindle as a friend said it wasn't as harsh on the old peepers. If anything it's making me love good old physical paperbacks even more!
