Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Another Book for the TBR Pile

 Long story short, Matt's brother was in WH Smith's, where over the weekend they had a 3 chart books for £12.99 offer on.  He could only see one that he wanted, which was £8.99, so he rang Matt up and asked if we wanted anything and ended up getting us a book each, which was very nice of him :)  On my part it's very naughty, as I have a bought-yet-not-read pile about a mile high, but how could I refuse?!  Especially when said book is the new Stephen King offering set in an amusement park?


  1. Joyland looks so scary, and I hate being scared... but part of my wants to read it just so I can be a part of the excitement! Lol.

    1. Maybe read it and put it in the freezer if it gets too scary? :)
